Expanding Horizons: Forging Valuable Partnerships


Greetings from the heart of Italy! Maarten, Niek, and I (Lotte) have safely arrived in Rome for the International Conference on Process Mining. We have some exciting news to share, but we will keep it brief this time, as we eagerly soak in the knowledge from this event.

Partnering with McCoy

You might have caught our announcement on LinkedIn, but in case you missed it, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with McCoy, one of the leading SAP implementation experts in the Netherlands. McCoy is renowned for their exceptional work in SAP implementation and their prowess in Business Process Management. We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead as we work together to bridge the gap between BPM and process mining. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks, and if you’re eager to learn more, don’t hesitate to drop us a message!

Presenting at the ICPM

While we’re here in Rome to absorb the latest innovations, reconnect with old friends, and forge new connections, we’re also honored to have been granted a presentation slot to showcase Konekti at this prestigious conference. If you can’t be with us in Rome, no worries – you can read our post to get a sneak peek of what we’ll be discussing. If you happen to be in Rome, join us at the Object-Centric Event Data Symposium to experience it firsthand!

Not in Rome? Meet us in Munich!

Our journey doesn’t end in Rome. Next month, we’ll be at Celosphere, and we’d love to connect with you if you’re there. Don’t hesitate to reach out, and let’s make it happen!

Closing with a personal note

For the last two years, I (Lotte) have been working from the United States, working on Konekti while conducting a fascinating project to implement process mining overseas. But next week, I’ll be relocating back to the Netherlands to work closely with Niek, Maarten, and Bram on simplifying and speeding up data preparation for process mining. For our Netherlands-based readers, send me a message if you’d like to catch up in person!

Last but not least: Discover the power of Konekti

Curious about how Konekti can turbocharge your process mining data preparation? Dive into our increasing knowledge base:

🎥 Explainer Videos: Watch an explainer and a demonstration on our website.

Newsletter Archive: Find out just how much time Konekti can save in your process mining projects by exploring this newsletter.

👀 Book a demo: If you’re eager to witness Konekti’s magic firsthand, schedule a demo with Maarten.  

That’s all for now, happy mining! 🌟

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